Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tripping along the Path-Week 10

Things have been things have been going so well lately that I haven't had this need or the urge to post. The kids no considerable more about how to research paper than I ever imagined, and the bibliography to come out looking almost official from the start.

In English we do. It in tomorrow I hope that the students are prepared very important that they go to this process together in class.

In creative writing to students are starting out webfolios. This is the first year that I've been able to give them instructions if they can actually understand from the beginning. It really makes a difference when you can get your act together and tell the students exactly what to do before they get involved in doing the creation webfolio the wrong way. Don't get me wrong it was really hard today running around helping each student individually. I'm beat. The payoff, however, is tremendous. I'm hoping if they can really work on these and make something of them because they could be invaluable to them later on.

We use Google Sites to make our webfolios. It works well it's a little clunky when you're using Internet Explorer, and I'm afraid soon Internet Explorer won't work with it all.

Not very many students turned into character sketches for I guess I should say a lot of students didn't tournament I need to figure out another way to make them get the papers turned in on time. I just don't know what that might be. I text the students today before I email the parents I just don't know that I can do anything more.

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