So much to think about. With all the ideas running through my mind about impovements and changes for next year, I am not focusing on packing up this year.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Day Three of Detox
I never thought I could exude so much will power over food. Proud that we made it through breakfast. Both of us were down a few lbs., but that was mostly water. I managed to fo Zumba early this morning, but I am afraid I just cant stick it out to the end. The problem is not so much the liquid diet. It happened unexpectedly as I was grading tests. I couldn't add the numbers or correctly mark the multiple choice. I am afraid I will have to go back and rescore them. That is when I realized that I would have to stop. We had butternut squash soup for lunch...with crackers. Now for a nap. I have to get my mind ready for Monday and back to school.
So in retrospect, it isn't so much the stomach as it is the brain that gets all out of whack. I think that I will still do a 1 day detox here or there, but 3 is a bridge too far for me. Maybe if I could spend the day in transcendental meditation contemplating the philosophy if Emerson and Thoreau, or go off to a Tibetan mountain, but not in the real world where I have to THINK and PERFORM.
So we almost made it...that's good enough for me. I feel less bloated, and my stomach can't hold as much food, so that's a plus.
Signing off on this experiment!
Day Two of Detox Part 2
I was really craving somethong to chew, and my mind has been fuzzy, but I stuck it out, and we had a green shake for dinner. I went to bed early to get away from the kitchen. Never realized how many food triggers there are in a day. This really helped me to see where I can improve on that. We will see what tomorrow holds.
Having a hard time typing this...
Friday, January 2, 2015
Day Two of Detox Part 1
I barely got through the sleep. It was mainly because I was in the loo so much. I dont think it was from the 1 blast I had. I also got a sore throat with post nasal drip. Wonderful timing. Doing ok today, though. I will need a nap. Taking it slow and doing small tasks. We did have a protein blast this am, and I felt better. Living vicariously through Nicole's breakfast. Smells good. Making yogurt and taking down decorations. Nothing too much. I am going to the gym later because that's what I do on Fridays.
To be continued...
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Day One of Detox
So, Rob and I are out to try this out. We had a lovely dinner at noon of hoppin jon and collards with family.
Started the detox after that.
For dinner, we had a Chocolate Banana Blast. Really quite good...and filling. I have been doing little things to keep occupied. Did a two mile walk in front of the TV. Rob is in the man cave watching male tales.
I have to admit that the tummy is rumbling's 10:46. Protein must be added for this to work...although, isnt there protein in almond milk?
Attitude is good. I can already say that it feels like I will be visiting the facilities quite often tonight.
We decided to start tonight so we can eat dinner on Sunday night before heading back to work.
I plan on doing Zumba Sat. AM, but to do so, will I need extra energy?
Will we get used to it? I hope no headaches will be involved. Drink water!